China’s Secret Human Animal Hybrid Experiments

China is conducting secret Frankenstein-style human-animal hybrid experiments creating super viruses, human-monkey hybrids, human head transplants on monkeys and pigs, gene-editing babies, super soldiers etc. Most of these experiments are exported out of western countries since they were shutdown in the west due to heavy criticism.

China Is Creating A New Master Race

According to US intelligence China has conducted human testing on members of the People’s Liberation Army in hope of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities. All these Chinese moves are meant to obtain “biological dominance by creating a new Master Race.

COVID-19 Is Bioterrorism – New Book By Indian Biological Weapons Expert Claims

COVID-19 Is Bioterrorism - New Book By Indian Biological Weapons Expert Claims

A new book by Senior Indian Police officer and Biological Weapons expert claims COVID-19 is Bioterrorism. Dr Sharad S. Chauhan is a decorated Indian Police Service (IPS) officer awarded the Prime Minister’s baton and the Home Minister’s Revolver. He is also a Gold Medallist MBBS Doctor from Delhi University with a PhD in Bioterrorism. He […]

INVESTIGATION DOCS: Chinese Scientist Smuggled Deadly Viruses From Canadian Lab To Wuhan Institute Of Virology

INVESTIGATION DOCS Chinese Scientist Smuggled Deadly Viruses From Canadian Lab To Wuhan Institute Of Virology

Newly unclassified documents confirm that Chinese scientists smuggled deadly viruses from Canadian lab to Wuhan Institute of Virology. When GreatGameIndia first published the report in January, regarding this biological espionage at Canadian lab, it was viciously attacked by a section of mainstream media. The shipment was sent just months before the Coronavirus outbreak by Chinese […]

1994 Surat Plague – A Forgotten Case Of Bioterrorism

1994 Surat Plague – A Forgotten Case Of Bioterrorism

The plague outbreak in the western Indian city of Surat in 1994 has been mired in controversy just as COVID-19. The origin of the outbreak is still a mystery. Indian defense establishment believes the 1994 Surat Plague is a case of bioterrorism. Numerous media outlets at the time reported the involvement of American Center of […]

How China France Alliance Created Wuhan’s Bioweapons Laboratory

How China France Alliance created Wuhan's Bioweapons Laboratory

On January 23, Wuhan just announced the closure of the city, and the French “Challenge Network” published an article revealing many disturbing details of China France cooperation in setting up a P4 laboratory in Wuhan. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It (watch here Visualizing The Secret History Of Coronavirus) Watch the exclusive […]