The United States Is Developing A Surrender Plan 1

The United States Is Developing A Surrender Plan

According to American political scientist Steven Wertheim, an article suggested that the United States may be developing a surrender plan. The Russian army’s achievements were acknowledged abroad. The premier American political journal, Foreign Affairs, had already published a piece titled “Why America Can’t Have It All,” even though the fights

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What Chinese Intelligence Thinks Of CIA 1

What Chinese Intelligence Thinks Of CIA

China’s Ministry of State Security criticizes the CIA for espionage, calling its anti-China campaign hegemonic. The CIA’s history, including controversial actions, has drawn severe criticism. China’s Ministry of State Security criticized the US Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) current focus on China in a rare bilingual post on the WeChat platform

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Was Russian Opposition Leader Navalny Working With The CIA? 1

Was Russian Opposition Leader Navalny Working With The CIA?

George Papadopoulos has tweeted a video showing supposed proof that Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who passed away on Friday in a gulag, was working with the CIA. As previously reported by Kristinn Taylor, the Russian jail administration has stated that 47-year-old Russian democratic leader Alexei Navalny passed away on

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The Secret Meeting To Break The World’s Biggest Corporations 1

The Secret Meeting To Break The World’s Biggest Corporations

A secret meeting is held annually at the posh Steigenberger Wiltcher’s hotel to break the world’s biggest corporations, known as the Brussels Conference on Antitrust. The parties are extravagant, security is tight, and the panel discussions are ostentatious when the wealthiest CEOs in the world congregate in the Alps or

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What Putin Thinks About Tucker Carlson 1

What Putin Thinks About Tucker Carlson

In an interview with Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin, Putin revealed what he thinks about Tucker Carlson calling him a ‘dangerous man.’ Regarding his recent, widely publicized interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson, Russian President Vladimir Putin has made his first remarks in public. Putin expressed disappointment that the event did

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Senator Elizabeth Warren Honors Satoshi Nakamoto With Flag Over Capitol 1

Senator Elizabeth Warren Honors Satoshi Nakamoto With Flag Over Capitol

Senator Elizabeth Warren honored Satoshi Nakamoto with a flag over the Capitol as part of the Capitol Flag Program, recognizing the creation of the first ‘truly inclusive financial system. Unexpectedly, Elizabeth Warren, a longtime opponent of Bitcoin on Capitol Hill, has seen the light and has publicly celebrated the 15

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Best Places To Work In America In 2024 1

Best Places To Work In America In 2024

According to data provided by the recruiting website Glassdoor, the best places to work in America in 2024 are Bain & Company and Nvidia. While opinions on the ideal time to hunt for a new job are split, the start of a new year certainly tends to bring with it

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Trump Almost Withdrew US From NATO In 2018 1

Trump Almost Withdrew US From NATO In 2018

Former US National Security Advisor John Bolton said that Trump almost withdrew the US from NATO in 2018, which would have been catastrophic for NATO’s survival. Former US National Security Advisor John Bolton said that former US President Donald Trump’s rhetoric during the campaign was a continuation of his policies

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How Ukraine Was Used As Guinea Pig For Human Testing 1

How Ukraine Was Used As Guinea Pig For Human Testing

William Jones, a former White House correspondent for Executive Intelligence Review, revealed how Ukraine was used as a guinea pig for human testing. During human trials, major pharmaceutical companies, without hesitation, opted to utilize hospitals in specific developing nations lacking stringent oversight. According to William Jones, a former White House

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