
CIA TIPOFF - Pakistani Agent caught smuggling fake Indian currency

CIA TIPOFF: Pakistani Agent Caught Smuggling Fake Indian Currency

Based on a tip by the CIA, Indian authorities have caught a Pakistani agent smuggling fake Indian currency notes via Dubai and Bangkok. The new notes in circulation were printed in 2016 after India’s War on Cash. However, GreatGameIndia investigation exposed that the contract for printing the notes was given

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Pakistan made fake Rs 2000 notes seized

Pakistan Made Fake Rs 2000 Notes Seized

MUMBAI: A man who arrived on a flight from Dubai on Sunday morning was arrested for carrying fake Rs 2,000 notes with a face value of almost Rs 24 lakh. The notes were of high quality, incorporating seven of nine security features. GGI IMPACT: Rs 11 Crore Court Case against

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Religious Leaders

Of MuttaaDhiPatis, PeethaDhiPatis & Allied Gangsters. S12

Let the Indians note that none of the PeethaDhiPatis either of the Vaishnavite or the Shaivite Order or MuttaDhipathis or the Sri Vidya Upasakas or any other Indian Religious Leaders either consciously or unconsciously, either in wakeful state or their dream state, even raise the faintest of protests asking our

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Gold Wars

Gold Wars: From Demonetization To DeAurization. S11

The main cause of the financial ruin in the interval 2008-2012 was this currency manipulation, without any gold left to back it up. If the countries are not of European origin, they are all subjected to what we can now call as gold wars or pipeLine wars in which Iraq

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Nehruvian Economics

From Indian Economic Miracle to Anglo-American Economic Miracle. S10

With Russia slipping out of their hands, the eyes were set on an unfathomably resource-rich country, which even after thousand years of non-stop plunder and looting still captures the imagination of one and all, thugs, thieves and robber-barons alike with her yet-unknown massive economic resources potential — that country is

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Round Tripping

Demonetization: Economists Or Fraudsters? S09

At least now, post demonetization, do we have any fresh estimates of the Black Money in the country, or its rate of generation? This would have been a very interesting study to do. Why haven’t we seen it done? Around 1986 two professors, four readers and a few other management

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India in Cognitive Dissonance GGI Book

India In Cognitive Dissonance Book

GreatGameIndia is happy to announce the publishing of a soon to be released book India in Cognitive Dissonance, an explosive hard-hitting myth-buster, a timely reminder for the decadent Indian society; a masterpiece on Indian geopolitics – India in Cognitive Dissonance Dedicated to our Teachers – who taught us about Matter,

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Round Tripping

Round Tripping Black Money As FDI -India’s Biggest Scam

One of the leading puzzles related to cross border flow of investment is the phenomenon of ‘Round Tripping’. Here, money from a country (eg. India) flows to a foreign country (Mauritius) and comes back as foreign direct investment to India. We were told that demonetization would combat the black economy

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