Signing The WTO IT Pact, A Big Mistake

India’s voluntary decision to join the WTO Information Technology Agreement (ITA) in 1997 was deemed a big mistake by some. India having lost the WTO dispute on customs duties on mobile phones and certain other IT products is now old news. But an important facet of the dispute appears to

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WATCH – Putin Plans To Quit WHO, WTO

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in April that the government should revise Russia’s approach in WTO by June 1. Now it seems that they’re moving ahead with it as Russia moves to withdraw from WTO and WHO.

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Russia Moves To Withdraw From WTO, WHO

Russia Moves To Withdraw From WTO, WHO

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in April that the government should revise Russia’s approach in WTO by June 1. Now it seems that they’re moving ahead with it as Russia moves to withdraw from WTO and WHO.

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