US Presidential Election

Poland’s New “Russian Influence Commission” Aims To Rig Upcoming Presidential Election 1

Poland’s New “Russian Influence Commission” Aims To Rig Upcoming Presidential Election

Poland’s creation of a “Russian Influence Commission,” spearheaded by Prime Minister Donald Tusk, seeks to investigate reported interference in the upcoming presidential election, mirroring past accusations and fueling political tensions. Due to the legacy of its former conservative-nationalist regime, Russia does not influence Poland. Donald Tusk, the prime minister of

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Julie Chavez Rodriguez

Who Is Julie Chavez Rodriguez – Biden’s Campaign Manager

Julie Chavez Rodriguez, President Biden’s campaign manager, strategized a comprehensive national reelection endeavor during her initial months on the job. She accomplished this while occupying a borrowed office with a view of an Amtrak commuter line on Capitol Hill. Operating with a mere three additional paid staff members, her entire

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Trump’s 2025 Vision, Revealed

Trump’s 2025 Vision was revealed to pardon nearly all of the convicted Jan. 6 rioters (numbering around 500) and to immediately broker an end to the war in Ukraine. Former President Trump’s second-term governing plans are coming into clearer focus, as he lays out a vision for a dramatic expansion of federal

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The 2024 Presidential Election Could Make Or Break Bitcoin

Who wins the 2024 Presidential Election could make or break Bitcoin, as baby boomers are openly hostile towards Bitcoin. The race for the 2024 U.S. presidential election is starting to kick into gear, featuring some of the same cast of characters from the last few elections. On the Democratic side,

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Italian Lawyer Alfio D’Urso Presents Evidence Against Arrested Leonardo Security Head Arturo D’Elia's Involvement In US Election Hacking

Italian Lawyer Alfio D’Urso Presents Evidence Against Arrested Leonardo Security Head Arturo D’Elia’s Involvement In US Election Hacking

Italian Supreme Court lawyer Professor Alfio D’Urso has presented evidence against arrested Italian defense contractor Leonardo’s Security Head Arturo D’Elia’s involvement in the US Election hacking case. The information was presented to D’Urso by a high-level security services official who also stated that Arturo is willing to testify against all

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Pakistan's ISI Front Kavtech Involved In Foreign Interference In US Presidential Election 2020

Pakistan’s ISI Front Kavtech Involved In Foreign Interference In US Presidential Election 2020

According to documents in possession of GreatGameIndia, a Pakistan based business intelligence firm Kavtech believed to a front of the Pakistani intelligence ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) was involved in foreign interference in the controversial US Presidential Election of 2020. An anti-voter fraud organization has alerted government authorities after it found a

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