
Israeli Intelligence Foils Hezbollah’s Plan To Attack Brazil

According to a tweet by PM Netanyahu’s office, Israeli Intelligence Mossad, along with Brazil’s Federal Police, foiled Hezbollah’s plan to attack Brazil. Israel’s secret agency, the Mossad, worked with Brazil’s Federal Police to stop Hezbollah-planned terrorist strikes. Two people who were connected to the terrorist organization were taken into custody

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Top Iranian Drone Engineer Assassinated

Top Iranian Drone Engineer Assassinated

Iran has escalated its UAV program in recent years, focusing on weaponizing drones to augment the regime’s other capabilities and proxy forces. Meanwhile, a top Iranian drone engineer was assassinated under unclear circumstances.

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4th Mossad Commander Resigns In Under A Year

The 4th Mossad commander has resigned in under a year, according to the media. The commander has already been replaced. Since Barnea took over as head of Mossad from Yossi Cohen, a top Mossad member has quit four times in seven months.

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FBI SPY Israeli Mossad Spies Need To Be Fucking Kicked Out Of USA

FBI SPY: Israeli Mossad Spies Need To Be Fu**ing Kicked Out Of USA

According to a secret transcript that was just declassified, one of the spies the FBI deployed against George Papadopoulos said that Israelis and U.S. Jews are “all f—ing spies,” referred to them as “f—ing c—suckers,” and said they should all be executed. The declassified transcript published on Tuesday revealed a

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Worldwide Intelligence War Over Coronavirus Related Medical Supplies

Worldwide Intelligence War Over Coronavirus Related Medical Supplies

Secret services and militaries have become involved in operations related to the coronavirus pandemic as masks and other essential products become issues of national security amid the rapidly worsening outbreak. Sources have informed GreatGameIndia that a worldwide intelligence war is being waged for Coronavirus related medical supplies. The media has

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