On September 3, Turkish security officials made a big announcement: they had arrested Liridon Rexhepi, a man from Kosovo who was allegedly running the financial side of the Israeli spy agency Mossad in Turkey.
According to Turkish media, Rexhepi was involved in a secret operation. He was sending money to Mossad agents in Turkey, who used drones to film important targets, conducted psychological operations against Palestinian politicians, and collected intelligence about the situation in Syria.
Turkish intelligence (MIT) started to suspect something was wrong when they noticed unusual activity in Rexhepi’s financial accounts. They found a lot of money transfers to Mossad agents in Turkey through Western Union. Rexhepi also admitted that he was using cryptocurrencies to move money from Kosovo to Syria.
MIT had been keeping an eye on Rexhepi since he arrived in Turkey on August 25. They worked with Istanbul police to arrest him on August 30. He was officially charg...