
American Lawmakers act against India over Kashmir

American Lawmakers Act Against India Over Kashmir

After raising protest in a letter to President Trump, now American lawmakers have acted legally against India over the Kashmir issue urging for US intervention.[toc] Senate Letter on Kashmir On 12th September 2019, in a letter addressed to President Trump, Senators Chris Van Hollen, Todd Young, Ben Cardin and Lindsay

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Return of East India Company

From Andhra To Kashmir – Return Of East India Company

In the late 90s secret meetings took place in London where the blueprint for the ‘development’ of an entire Indian state was envisioned. Called Vision 2020, the scheme was the brainchild of an American consultancy firm born out of US military – McKinsey. It was supposed to be a role

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The Kashmir Problem - An Anglo-American Operation

The Kashmir Conflict: An Anglo-American Operation

The Kashmir conflict, an Anglo-American operation against India provides the culminating illustration of the hostility between India and Pakistan and the determination to satisfy their imperialistic ambition to rule over the entire sub-continent once again by the use of modern military forces with generous defense support by the Anglo-American bloc

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Non-Aligned Movement

From Leader Of Non Aligned Movement To Lapdog Of The West

From the Leader of the Non-Aligned Movement to the lapdog of the West – this is the story of India’s descent into Slavery – post-Independence. Whoever controls Trincomalee controls the entire Indian oceans – Bonaparte Napoleon But where is India in this Napoleonic Calculus? – Descartes They seem to be

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Indian Army

Indian Army: A Fate Worse Than Death – S14

Are you aware that one of the key dimensions of the Strategic Defense Initiative required the reduction and degradation of Indian Army from a formidable and feared fighting force, capable of protecting the country from any threat, into a degenerate, fourth-grade and politicized institution? DO WE or DO WE NOT

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Religious Leaders

Of MuttaaDhiPatis, PeethaDhiPatis & Allied Gangsters. S12

Let the Indians note that none of the PeethaDhiPatis either of the Vaishnavite or the Shaivite Order or MuttaDhipathis or the Sri Vidya Upasakas or any other Indian Religious Leaders either consciously or unconsciously, either in wakeful state or their dream state, even raise the faintest of protests asking our

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Gold Wars

Gold Wars: From Demonetization To DeAurization. S11

The main cause of the financial ruin in the interval 2008-2012 was this currency manipulation, without any gold left to back it up. If the countries are not of European origin, they are all subjected to what we can now call as gold wars or pipeLine wars in which Iraq

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Effects Of Centuries Of Divide & Rule On The Indian Mind

For sometime now there is a huge debate brewing on regarding intolerance in India effectively creating a schism between the various sections of Indian society. While each group is busy voicing their fears or anxiety accusing the other of ruining the culture and heritage of India, none seem to pause and

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