House of Rothschild

How Tata Fooled India & Bailed Out Jaguar With Indian Taxpayers Money?

The following excerpt from the Who Benefits From FDI – India Or Collapsing Western European Economies? from the Foreign Countries Dictating India Series focuses on the background of India Inc. and its role as an intermediary between Government of India and bankrupt Western/European economies in rolling out FDI into India. As a case study

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Was The 2G Spectrum Auction System Rigged?

#RelianceJioScam – Was The Spectrum Auction System Rigged? Let’s say the Government of India wants to utilise its spectrum resources (which is a national resource belonging to the people of India) for development purposes. Ideally this is done by state owned telecommunications companies for various reasons, the major being that

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Rothschild Inside, Garbage Outside

Since almost 9 years the IT giant Intel has dodged paying tax to the Bruhar Bengaluru Mahanagar Palike (BBMP). Now the BBMP has come up with a novel Intel Inside Garbage Outside tactic to make the company cough up the tax it owes to the government. As reported by India

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Controller Houses Of The East India Company: EIC Series Part IV

East India Company’s trade was divided into many parts and a particular family owned each part. They were given full control over a nation under consideration. They developed local industrial/business house, through which they exploited the independent nations. So for people of any nation, it is the local industrial house that comes to light

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Ideology & Methodology: East India Company Series Part III

In the first part of this East India Company Seires: Noble Motives we examined the origin of these EICs, their motives and the motives of Multi National Corporations (MNCs). In the second part Glorified Commodities we examined the commodities EICs dealt with and MNCs plan to deal with or are already dealing with.

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The Rothschild Plan To Develop India – FDI Series Part III

In the previous parts of this ongoing Foreign countries Dictating India Series we saw how after the collapse of the US economy in 2008, the Dubai Economic Miracle experiment was hatched to get rid of the Dubai FLU via Foreign Direct Investment in India routed through the tax-havens; whereby the

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