#RelianceJioScam - Was The Spectrum Auction System Rigged?
Let’s say the Government of India wants to utilise its spectrum resources (which is a national resource belonging to the people of India) for development purposes. Ideally this is done by state owned telecommunications companies for various reasons, the major being that of national security. If the state telco lacks expertise or funding it is sourced from the private sector. Many countries are now increasingly reverting back to this practise. However, since Liberalisation and Privatisation, GOI chose to auction the spectrum, whereby the Govt sold rights (licences) to transmit signals over specific bands of the electromagnetic spectrum and assigned scarce spectrum resources to private/foreign players. Even for the auction process itself the Govt looked elsewhere. The guys chosen to manage the auction process was none other than the House of Rothschild, one of the controlling families of the East India Company. It is a mystery w...