Few months back we reported how a business baron who owed banks thousands of crores of rupees could leave the country as a defaulter in spite of court proceedings under way, a consortium of 17 banks asking for his passport to be impounded, and former Kingfisher employees demanding their salaries pending for months? More importantly, if it was just a case of a failed business why would he flee and take refuge only in London, known for providing high-profile foreign offenders with considerable wealth an asylum and a safe place to park their assets and enjoy a peaceful life, away from the laws of their home countries? With such a group of wanted and vulnerable criminals at hand is it a far-fetched scenario if such Oligarchs and even in many cases terrorists are used for inciting revolution in India or even orchestrating elections, when we already know they have done so in the past? With new information coming to light this may not seem a far-fetched scenario at all.
Recently State Bank o...