
World's Top 50 Science And Technology Hubs 1

World’s Top 50 Science And Technology Hubs

Global Innovation Index 2023 reveals the top 50 Science and Technology Hubs. The United States leads global research and development spending, followed by China, Japan, Germany, and South Korea. Another wave of science and technology (S&T) innovation swept the globe in 2023, with the launch of the first OTC birth

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World's Largest Consumer Markets In 2030 1

World’s Largest Consumer Markets In 2030

According to the 2030 projections from World Data Lab, China and India are expected to be the world’s largest consumer markets in 2030. The world economy depends on consumers, who also determine market dynamics and serve as the last arbiters of demand. However, where are the largest consumer gatherings located,

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Could The US Fight A Four-Front War 1

Could The US Fight A Four-Front War

It is difficult to answer if the US could fight a four-front war. To prevent a war, the US must be prepared to fight and win conventional wars in multiple theaters at the same time and make investments to improve our allies’ self-defense capabilities. A war against Israel, an ally

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2024 - World's Biggest Election Year & Geopolitical Threats 1

2024 – World’s Biggest Election Year & Geopolitical Threats

According to information from the World Economic Forum’s annual survey of world leaders, 2024 will be the world’s biggest election year and will have severe geopolitical threats, with extreme weather being the most severe threat. A cost-of-living problem is making life more difficult for people worldwide, record global temperatures are

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China Detains Foreign Consultant Spying For UK 1

China Detains Foreign Consultant Spying For UK

The Chinese Ministry of State Security released a statement saying that they have detained a foreign consultant spying for the UK who received training from MI6. According to Chinese officials, security services have discovered yet another instance of espionage in which the British Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6, obtained intelligence

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China Tests First Electric Aircraft 1

China Tests First Electric Aircraft

China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Corporation has tested the first electric aircraft named AG60E at Jiande Qiandaohu Airport in Zhejiang Province. This week saw the successful completion of the inaugural flight by China’s first domestically built electric aircraft, according to reports released by the national media on Friday. China Aviation

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The Trilateral Threat: India, Russia, And China

Delving into the trilateral dynamics among India, Russia, China, and the USA underscores global tensions, prompting the need for unified strategies against shared threats. India, which the US and its allies had believed would stand up to China as a bastion of democracy, is starting to pose issues. With a

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China Starts Building 15 New Cities In Iraq 1

China Starts Building 15 New Cities In Iraq

China embarks on the construction of 15 new cities in Iraq, with East China Engineering Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and another company securing contracts to build the housing units. According to a Bloomberg story published on December 29, Iraq began construction on 30,000 housing units close to Baghdad on

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