India Loses $3 Billion Farzad-B Gas Field Deal With Iran

India has lost its $3-billion bet on Iran regarding the giant Farzad-B gas field in Farsi block. The Indian state run oil companies discovered this asset back in 2008 and since then the negotiations were being carried out by top leadership of both the countries.

India-Iran-Russia North-South Trade Corridor An Alternative To Suez Canal

During the weekend when Iran signed a 25 years infrastructure and investment agreement with China, Iran’s ambassador declared that the new North-South Trade Corridor across the region could become a prime ‘alternative’ to the strategic Suez Canal waterway. Suez Canal was recently in news as one of the biggest cargo ships ‘Ever Given’ had got stuck and blocked the canal.

The Secret China Iran Oil Deal At The Heart Of One Belt One Road Project

The Secret China Iran Oil Deal At The Heart Of One Belt One Road Project

A secret oil deal between China and Iran at the heart of the One belt One Road project will change the geopolitical balance of power in the Middle East. The manufacturing products created by utilizing cheap Iranian resources will be used to crack the western markets through the China-Iran axis along with unrestricted access to […]