
GGI Predicted This Trend Years Ago

GGI Predicted This Trend Years Ago

Techies Arpit Maheshwari and Sakshi Bhatia gave up their high-paying jobs in the US to buy a 1.5-acre plot in Madhya Pradesh and begin farming. The couple, who were inspired to make the move after they went backpacking through South America, said that earlier they felt disconnected from nature and

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Conspiracy Theories Become Conspiracy Facts

Conspiracy Theories Become Conspiracy Facts

At first slowly but in recent weeks with seemingly gathering pace, two trends have emerged. On the one hand, many of the core claims behind lockdowns, masks, and vaccines are unravelling and the prevailing narrative has been in retreat on all three fronts. But there is still a long way

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More Than Half Of The World Will Be Obese By 2035

More Than Half Of The World Will Be Obese By 2035

More than half of the world’s population will be overweight or obese by 2035 without significant action, according to a new report.
The World Obesity Federation’s 2023 atlas predicts that 51 per cent of the world, or more than 4 billion people, will be obese or overweight within the

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Power Shortages Coming Soon to America

Power Shortages Coming Soon to America

Existing power plants are projected to retire at a faster pace than installations of new units, and dependence on renewable projects are threatening widespread power shortages, according to a new report by regional power transmission company PJM Interconnection.

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Why Are People Afraid Of 15-Minute Cities

Why Are People Afraid Of ‘15-Minute Cities’?

In an effort to make towns more user- and eco-friendly, urban planners have unveiled the ’15-minute city,’ which hopes to keep residents close to home to battle climate change. But will this plan open the door to greater restrictions?

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