National Security

European Security Order ‘Is No More’ – German President

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier told Germany’s RBB radio broadcaster that the European security order “is no more” due to the Ukraine war. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has “destroyed” the security order in Europe, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier has claimed. He argued that there would be no return to former security

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Ukraine Would Collapse In Days Without West’s Military Supplies

According to EuroNews, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said at an event last Friday in Florence that Ukraine would collapse in days without the West’s military supplies. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has made some surprisingly blunt admissions regarding Ukraine’s support from the West in some recent interviews,

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William Burns, A C.I.A. Spymaster With Unusual Powers

William Burns, a C.I.A. spymaster with unusual powers of near-omnipresence, said that the unwarranted confidence in the assessment that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction could derail the Iraq invasion plans. To mark the 20th anniversary of the American-led invasion of Iraq, the C.I.A. director, William J. Burns, stood in

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STEVE CLEMONS – Biden’s Man In China

A Politico article reported that Joe Biden pointed out Steve Clemons to then-Chinese Vice President Li Yuancho as “a very important man,” which suggests that Clemons is Biden’s man in China. Who is Steve Clemons? No, really — who is he? Or better yet, who is he working for? In

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