Houses Of Rhodes & Oppenheimers – EIC2MNC Series Part V

In the previous parts of this ongoing East India Company Series we examined the origin of these EICs, their motives and the motives of Multi National Corporations (MNCs). We also examined the commodities EICs dealt with and MNCs plan to deal with or are already dealing with along with the unique philosophical outlook that determined […]

Eurozone Crisis & Its Impact On India

Euro was created as a common currency initially among the first twelve European nations and then expanded in to others. The efforts for the European common market currency started post 1950 as an effort by the marginalized European colonial powers who after World War II saw the rise of United States as a world financial […]

India At Crossroads To Swaraj Or Slavery?


Is India at the crossroads to Swaraj (independence) or Slavery (dominion)? At the dawn of the new millennium India stands, dazed and indecisive, at the crossroads. As perhaps the only secular nation with population of a billion, with thousands of political, spiritual and religious leaders of various denominations, with a vast talent of creative intelligentsia; […]

Why Only The Rupee Falls?

Why only the Rupee falls? Why should it fall close to 20% of its value? Why should this fall coincide with the passing of FDI bill when investors are lined up to bring dollars into India? Does this Rupee fall has anything to do with the rise of prices (inflation)? Or this fall in rupee […]

How Tata Fooled India & Bailed Out Jaguar With Indian Taxpayers Money?

The following excerpt from the Who Benefits From FDI – India Or Collapsing Western European Economies? from the Foreign Countries Dictating India Series focuses on the background of India Inc. and its role as an intermediary between Government of India and bankrupt Western/European economies in rolling out FDI into India. As a case study it also demonstrates how Tata […]

What Has A Secret Account In Rothschild Bank To Do With The Kingfisher Deal?

Few months back we reported how a business baron who owed banks thousands of crores of rupees could leave the country as a defaulter in spite of court proceedings under way, a consortium of 17 banks asking for his passport to be impounded, and former Kingfisher employees demanding their salaries pending for months? More importantly, […]