Why Are The Vaccinated Getting Sicker

Why Are The Vaccinated Getting Sicker

A new trivalent COVID vaccine was recently approved by the FDA for fall 2022; it will not undergo any extra testing despite having a completely different composition to address some of the more recent strains. So, just why are the vaccinated getting sicker?

How Sierra Leone’s 2014 Ebola Lockdown Was A Template For COVID Lockdowns

How Sierra Leone’s 2014 Ebola Lockdown Was A Template For COVID Lockdowns

To be honest, I’d never much thought about the Ebola lockdowns in Sierra Leone and Liberia in 2014 and 2015. Within public health, the Sierra Leone and Liberia lockdowns were an early illustration of the fact that lockdowns were ineffective, but governments of developing nations sometimes do strange things; the idea that these lockdowns might have greater geopolitical significance never occurred to me.

China Approves HIV Drug For COVID Patients

As a result of China’s transition away from a “zero COVID” policy of lockdowns and toward acceptance that the virus is now endemic, the HIV drug Azvudine has been approved for treating COVID patients.

COVID Lies Exposed

COVID Lies Exposed

After two years of unprecedented government tyranny in the name of fighting a virus, the prime instigators of this infamy are walking free, writing books, and openly pretending they never said the things they clearly said over and over.

Matt Pottinger: The US Intelligence Agent Who Shutdown The World

Matt Pottinger The US Intelligence Agent Who Shut Down The World

In 1948, the US House of Representatives received a tip from a man named Whittaker Chambers that several federal officials had been working for the communists. One of these officials was more than happy to appear before Congress to clear his name—a leading State Department and United Nations representative named Alger Hiss.