Sounding The Alarm: Normalizing The Jab With Lies

Sounding The Alarm Normalizing The Jab With Lies

Because we know from the Pfizer data package that inherent safety issues with these vaccines were swept under the rug under the EUA authorization, and that these issues should have been red flags for other mRNA vaccine clinical trials, it is hard to believe that any of these issues were addressed. Particularly since many of the fundamental issues with these vaccines have only recently been discovered, and that the adverse events and papers exposing the dangers only keep growing. The FDA has normalized these vaccines with the Emergency Use Authorization that then appears to have allowed at least some of these products to move forward rapidly.

FDA Knew 44% Of Pregnant Women In Pfizer Trial Suffered Miscarriages

FDA Knew 44 Percent Of Pregnant Women In Pfizer Trial Suffered Miscarriages

It is indisputable that neither Pfizer nor the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is at all concerned about adverse events related to Pfizer’s clinical trial data. After all, they sought to hide it from the general public for 75 years. While blatantly unacceptable, the fact both parties knew that 44 percent of pregnant women participating in the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” trial suffered miscarriages is immoral and seems incredibly corrupt.

COVID-19 Vaccine Causes Lung Blockages

COVID-19 Vaccine Causes Lung Blockages

In just four months in 2021, there were 729,496 adverse events pertaining to the vaccine, of which 3,420 were thrombotic; 63 of those affected died. This raises the question regarding COVID-19 vaccine causing lung blockages.