Bill Gates And The Frame Game

Bill Gates And The Frame Game

Afew weeks back, at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Bill Gates said some surprising things. In the course of a 56-minute panel discussion the vaccine pusher extraordinaire admitted (starting at the 18:22 mark) that the Covid vaccines do not block infection and that the duration of whatever

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UAE Bans Exports Of Indian Wheat

Due to severe disruptions in global food supplies as a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the UAE has banned exports of Indian wheat and is working to ensure domestic supply.

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The War Against The Unvaxxed Will Not Be Forgotten

The War Against The Unvaxxed Will Not Be Forgotten

If you refused to buy into the official narrative about the COVID shots, you likely found yourself on the receiving end of hateful attacks and rejection. Some of those zealots may now realize they were wrong, but few want to talk about it. How are you choosing to move forward?

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