UFO TURNS OFF Nuke Warheads, Shoots Test Missiles Out Of Sky At Bases

Retired US Air Force ICBM launch officer Robert Salas testified about a UFO that turned off Nuke Warheads and shot Test Missiles Out Of Sky at the Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana in 1967.

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The UFO division at the Pentagon is looking into old allegations of unexplained objects tampering with important nuclear missile silos.

Last month, two Air Force veterans testified about their encounters with UFOs tampering with US nuclear missiles at the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).

In response to a scary encounter with an orange flying disc that mysteriously shut off 10 warheads at Malmstrom Air Force Station, Montana in 1967, retired US Air Force ICBM launch officer Robert Salas was contacted by AARO employees, according to one email.

Dr. Robert Jacobs, another retired officer, has informed AARO about a 35mm film he recorded for the Air Force in 1964 that purportedly shows a flying saucer firing a test missile out of the sky.

The testimonies provide a unique look into the frequently secretive work done by the federal agency responsible with looking into unexplained phenomena in the air, sea, and space.

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Two Air Force veterans said they have testified about their experiences of UFOs interfering with US nuclear missiles. Some of the encounters were at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana
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US Air Force ICBM launch officer Robert Salas (pictured left, and as a young man, right) told of his encounter with an orange flying disc that turned off 10 warheads at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana in 1967
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Dr. Robert Jacobs, another former Air Force officer, briefed the office on his footage that allegedly caught a flying saucer shooting a test missile out of the sky

According to author Robert Hastings, who has already spoken to 167 veterans about “more than a hundred UFO visits at nuclear weapons sites during the Cold War era and beyond,” AARO director Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick is also interviewing nine more witnesses of related events.

Hastings published a book titled UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites.

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All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) director Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick is interviewing several UFO witnesses

He claimed in a blog post published on Sunday that Kirkpatrick had asked him to put Salas, Jacobs, and other witnesses in touch with them after one of the anonymous Senate staffers who read the book had suggested it to the director of the AARO for investigation.

After decades of having his narrative either disregarded or denied by the government, Salas, 82, said he was impressed by the outreach.

‘I’ve been wanting to tell a government agency my story for over 50 years,’ Salas told DailyMail.com. ‘It was a great big relief.

‘They were very magnanimous. They listened intently. I gave them a complete report on the Malmstrom incidents.

‘I’m more confident now than I was going in that they’re trying to make a sincere effort.’

Salas received an email on Friday from an AARO employee thanking him for providing evidence to the UFO office.

‘I want to pass along a big “thank you” from the AARO team,’ the email said. ‘Your dedication to this issue and the resources, time, and energy you invested in researching and documenting your experience, and associated events, are greatly appreciated.

‘I’m glad we were finally able to document this accounting and evidence into the intelligence record and will include this information in our investigation as an authorized disclosure IAW [in accordance with] the FY23 NDAA [National Defense Authorization Act].

‘I’m hopeful the collective contributions of patriots like you and the current level of government interest and investment will provide answers to the questions the citizens of our country have demanded for such a long time.’

When asked about the frightening and mysterious shutdown of US nukes at his Malmstrom facility during the open congressional UFO hearing in May, Salas expressed his rage that Pentagon superiors appeared to be uninformed of it in an interview from the previous year.

Kirkpatrick’s interest in the 1967 Malmstrom case might be attributed to the 2023 NDAA, the yearly defence budget bill, which was signed into law with an amendment mandating AARO to study government records on all UFO encounters going back to 1945.

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An email shows AARO staff contacted former US Air Force ICBM launch officer Robert Salas to gather information about his encounter. He tweeted his thank you email from AARO 

Watch the video below:

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‘I’ve been wanting to tell a government agency my story for over 50 years,’ said. ‘It was a great big relief’ 

Malmstrom and other nuclear silos were in the vicinity of the allegedly Chinese spy balloon that American fighter aircraft shot down last month, which apparently prompted increased security at those locations.

On Friday, Salas tweeted about his correspondence with the AARO representative, and UFO researcher David Haith posted a link to it on Twitter.

Hastings said in his blog post that he had a conference call on January 13 with Kirkpatrick, two additional AARO employees, and a congressional researcher. He then connected them with 11 veterans to provide evidence regarding the alleged interference of UFOs with America’s nuclear defences.

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Author Robert Hastings wrote a book on the incidents called UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites.

‘Since 1973, I have interviewed 167 of those veterans regarding their experiences,’ Hastings wrote. ‘Kirkpatrick asked whether I would be able to contact the individuals with whom I am still in touch, to learn whether they would be willing to testify before AARO staffers.

‘I suggested that Kirkpatrick’s staff first contact former US Air Force ICBM launch officer Bob Salas, who had been on duty during an incident at Malmstrom AFB, Montana, on March 24/25, 1967, when an orange, disc-shaped UFO had briefly hovered over the front gate at the Oscar Flight Launch Control Facility.

‘Seconds after one of Salas’ Security Police guards frantically called down to the launch capsule to report the UFO to him, all ten of the ICBMs dropped offline, one after the other. In other words, they were unlaunchable and it took several hours to repair and retarget them.’

Despite the military conducting an inquiry and compiling numerous reports, no cause for the shutdown of the missiles was discovered.

Salas and his coworkers stated they were examined at the time by agents from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations and made to sign NDAs.

Salas and other former military officers attended a televised press conference in Washington, DC, warning about the supposed grave security threat presented by reports of weird discs and spheres appearing to fly over US nuclear plants with impunity, breaking his silence about the incident in 1996.

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Jacobs said he was told to keep quiet about the footage by his boss, Major Florenze J. Mansmann (pictured), who viewed it with him in a meeting with two CIA officers in the days after the incident. Mansmann, who died in 2000, confirmed the account in a May 1987 letter to UFO researcher
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Ex-First lieutenant in USAF Robert Jacobs, pictured middle bottom row, with his crew

Another former Air Force member, Jacobs, led a telescopic camera crew that documented test missile launches at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California in the 1960s. He provided testimony before AARO this month.

He asserts that he watched video of a launch on September 15, 1964, in which a disc approached a moving missile, fired a series of “beams” at it, then sped away, knocking the dummy warhead to the ground.

‘We watched the third stage burn out, and into the frame came something else,’ the former lieutenant, 84, said in a 2000 video interview.

‘It flew into the frame and it shot a beam of light at the warhead.

‘Now remember, all this stuff is flying at several thousand miles an hour. So this thing fires a beam of light at the warhead, hits it, and then it moves up… fires another beam of light… goes down and fires another beam of light, and then flies out the way it came in. And the warhead tumbles out of space.

‘The object, the points of light that we saw, the warhead and so forth, were traveling through subspace about 60 miles straight up. And they were going somewhere in the neighborhood of 11,000 to 14,000 miles an hour when this UFO caught up to them, flew in, flew around them, and flew back out.

‘Now I saw that. I don’t give a goddamn what anybody else says about it. I saw that on film. I was there.’

Major Florenze J. Mansmann, Jacobs’ boss, who watched the film with him in a conference with two CIA agents in the days following the incident, allegedly instructed him to stay quiet about it.

In a May 1987 letter to UFO researcher Scott Crain, Mansmann, who passed away in 2000, verified the account and claimed to have watched the film four times before the CIA agents sent it to an unidentified location on the east coast.

The Pentagon opened the new UFO division named AARO last year.

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Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray played a video of an ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’, commonly referred to as UFOs, during a groundbreaking UFO hearing in May 2022

‘I ordered Lt. Jacobs not to discuss what he saw with anyone because of the nature of the launch, the failure of the launch mission and the probability that the optical instrumentation (the film) showed an interference with normal launch patterns,’ Mansmann wrote.

‘The object was saucer-shaped,’ he added. ‘I released the film to the Chief Scientist’.

‘I found it to be the most sensitive, the most honest, the most welcoming interview that I’ve ever had regarding this subject,’ he said.

‘At the end of our chat, I said, “I’ve been trying for over 40 years to get the government to listen to my testimony.” And he said, “You just did.”

‘The government finally listened. I’m not sure who they’re going after next. But I have great faith in this organization, as much as I’ve had in any government.’

Regarding his dealings with the UFO office, Hastings declined to be questioned.

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9 Responses

  1. Maybe the UFO did not want to be the subject of an attack by these weapons and turned them off for that reason. So where did these flying saucers come from – under the sea perhaps, after all governments have nudged everyone to seek human’s future in the stars, not in the seas at our feet, which take up 2/3 of our planet and are the obvious place to explore next. H20 – water we drink, air we breathe, Hydrogen gas we can use, easy to exist under water like our flying saucer friends – we have the technology, so why space of all places for goodness sake?

  2. ET explained why they don’t allow a nook war. as It would negatively also affect them. They live some 500 light years distance in the Taurus Constellation, beyond Star Taygeta. theyfly dot com..for full disclosure.. as millions have.

  3. This wasn’t a US test, these were aliens
    The US “might” have this technology today, but certainly not back in 1964

  4. Project Blue Beam.

    @Snowden it’s not aliens i wish it were aliens but it’s not aliens it’s just the ol’ engineered panic, an attractive nuisance ensuring natsec reporters get assigned to investigate balloon bullshit rather than budgets or bombings (à la nordstream) until next time 9:12 PM · Feb 13, 2023

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