White House

There Is No Guarantee COVID-19 Vaccine Will Work - Dr Fauci

There Is No Guarantee COVID-19 Vaccine Will Work – Dr Fauci

As drugmakers across the world race to develop a coronavirus vaccine, White House health advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said, “There’s no guarantee that the vaccine is actually going to be effective.” He also said that the vaccine may backfire and on the contrary strengthen the virus, itself. Meanwhile, even as

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Secret US Cable That Saw Coronavirus Crisis Coming

Secret US Cable That Saw Coronavirus Crisis Coming

A secret US State Department cable that saw Coronavirus crisis coming was leaked by Wikileaks providing a fleeting inside-look at Critical Foreign Dependencies Initiative. While the document’s State Department senders designated the cable “SECRET/NOFORN” (no foreign nationals) and marked it for de-classification in 2019, Wikileaks made it public a decade

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Gold Wars

Gold Wars: From Demonetization To DeAurization. S11

Gold Wars The main cause of the financial ruin in the interval 2008-2012 was this currency manipulation, without any gold left to back it up. If the countries are not of European origin, they are all subjected to what we can now call as gold wars or pipeLine wars in

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China secretly shipping arms to Cuba

China Secretly Shipping Arms To Cuba

China is secretly shipping arms and explosives to Cuba in a sign of increased military cooperation between Beijing and Havana, The Washington Times has learned. At least three arms shipments were traced from China to the Cuban port of Mariel over the past several months. All the arms were aboard

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