Bill Gates And The Frame Game

Bill Gates And The Frame Game

Afew weeks back, at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Bill Gates said some surprising things. In the course of a 56-minute panel discussion the vaccine pusher extraordinaire admitted (starting at the 18:22 mark) that the Covid vaccines do not block infection and that the duration of whatever

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WATCH: How WEF Will Control The Metaverse

The World Economic Forum (WEF), a globalist, pro-“transhumanist” organization, stated this week that it will draft governance standards for the Metaverse, a virtual reality platform linked to the internet and run by Meta (formerly Facebook).

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List Of Top 10 WEF Dystopian Agenda

List Of Top 10 WEF Dystopian Agenda

The most frequent theme that pops when looking into WEF is “control.” They want to have control over our thoughts, where we go, what we say, what we eat, and how we dress. Here is the list of top 10 WEF dystopian agenda.

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The Decline And Fall Of Davos Man

The Decline And Fall Of Davos Man

Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine loomed large at this year’s annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, where political and business leaders once gathered to celebrate globalization and pursue more of it. Now, the world has entered a new phase of history in which geopolitics will predominate.

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The Great Reset And The House Of Psychedelics

The Great Reset And The House Of Psychedelics

According to Bloomberg, business and political leaders convening at the World Economic Forum’s Davos event this month will look into the prospects for personal and business growth in psychedelic drugs. The House of Psychedelic reflects the architects of ‘The Great Reset’s’ increasing interest in still-illegal narcotics.

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