$400 Billion Was Stolen In Covid Fraud

According to the Associated Press in their latest investigation titled “The Great Grift,” it was found that $400 billion was stolen in COVID fraud from taxpayers. In case you had any lingering doubts that forcibly shutting down the entire economy over a virus and replacing economic activity with government payments

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Meet Academic Disinfo Queen Claire Wardle

Claire Wardle is the academic disinformation queen who’s a part of Brown University and has also been chosen to brief CISA’s advisory committee, which is allegedly doing federal censorship of Americans. The Washington Post defended campus researchers collaborating with federal agencies to censor Americans in an awkward, bumbling article last

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A Quiet Revolution Is Unfolding Against ‘Woke’ Corporate America

Scott Shepard, a Fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) and director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project, says that a quiet revolution is unfolding against ‘woke’ corporate America. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink attends a session at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos on

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15 Percent Of U.S.-Made Bradleys Already Destroyed In Ukraine.

CNN reported that, according to Oryx, a Netherlands-based operation that tracks materiel losses on both sides of the conflict, 15 percent of U.S.-made Bradleys have already been destroyed in Ukraine. Almost 15 percent of the Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs) sent to Ukraine by Joe Biden’s government have been destroyed,

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China Calls Out U.S. For Color Revolutions

During the two-day China–Central Asia summit in the historic city of Xi’an, Chinese President Xi Jinping called out the U.S. for instigating color revolutions. Despite America’s attention abroad being largely Russia-focused recently, the bigger fish to fry in Washington’s eyes is China. Even as the US pours aid package after

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Who Gave Joe Biden $10 Million

The Federalist criticized USA Today, stating that Joe Biden’s campaign website only includes financial disclosure links to individual returns and lacks S-corporation tax returns. This raises doubts about who gave Joe Biden $10 million. President Joe Biden regarding his 2017 tax returns in which his entity, “CelticCapri Corp,” listed nearly

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