Hamas Attack On Israel Activates Zero Hour Around The World

The Hamas attack on Israel activates zero hour around the world as a pro-Hamas event has been taking place in Tampa, Florida, hundreds of miles away from the conflict. Geopolitical events are a world where things are nearly never exactly as they seem. The media’s messages go beyond just reporting

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How The US Funded Hamas

Millions of dollars from the United States ended up in Gaza, which is governed by Hamas, despite the Biden administration’s best attempts to keep the topic primarily under wraps. Israel has been the target of numerous terrorist assaults. There have been about a dozen conventional wars against the Jewish state,

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How NATO Weapons Are Killing Israelis

NATO weapons that were given to Ukraine were used to kill Israelis by Hamas in the assaults carried out on military and civilian sites in southern Israel. An AK-47 assault rifle has long been thought of as the go-to weapon for terrorists (or, depending on your point of view, freedom

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The Plot To Throw Donald Trump Into Iraqi Prison

The plot to throw Donald Trump into Iraqi prisons grows stronger as Supreme Judicial Council President Faiq Zidan, who issued an arrest warrant, is invited by the Department of Justice. According to the U.S. government, the Department of Justice (DOJ) planned to extend a warm welcome to an Iraqi judge

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Why ‘Go Woke, Go Broke’ Is More Than A Catchphrase

According to recent studies and polls like the Trafalgar poll, ‘Go Woke, Go Broke’ might become more than a catchphrase, as almost 80% of people across all political spectrums indicated they were more likely to conduct business with an organization that maintained its political neutrality. Table of ContentsWoke Capitalism Hurts

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How Russian Stormbringer Nuclear Cruise Missile Can Bankrupt US War Machine

Dmitry Kornev, the creator of the portal, said that the Russian nuclear cruise missile called ‘Burevestnik’, which translates to “Stormbringer,” can bankrupt the US war machine. Table of ContentsWhat Prompted the Burevestnik’s Development?What is the Burevestnik?NATO Sounds the AlarmPowerful Trump Card for Arms ControlCould Burevestnik Help Bankrupt the Pentagon?Issues

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