Warren Buffet Owns More Treasuries Than The Fed 1

Warren Buffet Owns More Treasuries Than The Fed

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway just made headlines with its huge investment in U.S. Treasury bills, surpassing even the Federal Reserve’s holdings. In the first half of the year, Berkshire scooped up $230 billion in these low-risk, short-term securities, making it a major player in this investment arena. Despite his usual

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How Hunter Biden & Hillary Clinton Set Bangladesh on Fire

Mohammed Yunus, often called the “father of microcredit” in Bangladesh, is known for his work with Grameen Bank, which earned him a Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. Recently, he gave an interview suggesting he wants to return to politics and even lead Bangladesh. Two months later, his dream came true.

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Scott Ritter’s Home Raided by FBI

On August 7, in the middle of the day, the FBI and state police raided the New York home of Scott Ritter, a well-known and outspoken figure. They had a search warrant and were looking into whether he might have broken a law called the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

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