California Blocks Dangerous Solar Geoengineering Experiment 1

California Blocks Dangerous Solar Geoengineering Experiment

The California City Council has blocked a dangerous solar geoengineering experiment conducted by researchers from the University of Washington to combat climate change. Following a vote by the City Council, an experiment in Alameda that involved spraying sea salt particles into the air to test the viability of slowing global

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Could Russia Deploy Ballistic Missiles In Mexico? 1

Could Russia Deploy Ballistic Missiles In Mexico?

On Sunday, former U.S. Air Force officer Jake Broe reported on X that Russians on Kremlin State TV declared Mexico their military ally, considering placing missiles on Mexican territory to attack the United States. “Russians on Kremlin State TV yesterday declared that Mexico was their military ally and they are

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Ukrainian Enemies List Targets American Influencers 1

Ukrainian Enemies List Targets American Influencers

A Ukrainian enemies list titled “Roller Coaster: From Trumpists to Communists,” published by the Data Journalism Agency, targets American influencers. The Ukrainian online newspaper “Data Journalism Agency” (TEXTY), which is connected to the US government, recently published a report in which it accuses hundreds of well-known Americans and their organizations

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Indian Ocean Has Suddenly Become Indo-Pacific 1

Indian Ocean Has Suddenly Become Indo-Pacific

Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe, during a video speech at a roundtable discussion on the “Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean Outlook,” organized by the Geopolitical Cartographer, stated that the Indian Ocean has suddenly become the Indo-Pacific. Prior to traveling to India to see Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s inauguration, President

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Is Your Driving Being Secretly Scored? 1

Is Your Driving Being Secretly Scored?

According to The New York Times, your driving may be secretly scored as auto insurers increasingly monitor driving habits through data collection, impacting both insurance rates and privacy. You are aware of your credit score. It may also be the case that you have a driving score. Your driving habits,

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