
Scientists Discover Leftovers From The Universe’s Very First Stars

A group of scientists, led by Andrea Saccardi, a PhD student at the Observatoire de Paris (PSL), have discovered leftovers from the universe’s very first stars using the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Astronomers have not yet seen the universe’s initial stars, but they are

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The Final Piece In The Solar System-Stability Puzzle?

A team in France announced today a new explanation that might be the final piece in the solar system stability puzzle. If Konstantin Batygin liked to gamble, he would stake that the latest explanation for the Solar System’s stability—which a team in France announced today—will not be the final word

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Why Does Mount Everest Make Seriously Terrifying Sounds At Night?

According to, glaciologist Evgeny Podolskiy and his team of researchers have discovered the reason why Mount Everest makes seriously terrifying sounds at night. The sounds are caused by significant dips in temperature after dusk, which cause ice to shatter. Breathtaking Mount Everest has captivated scientists and mountaineers for many

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