
Which Country Consumes The Most Oil

Which Country Consumes The Most Oil?

Although the use of renewable energy in making electricity has been steadily increasing in recent years, oil remains the most crucial energy source globally, especially for transportation and heating. According to a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), 29% of the world’s energy will come from oil in 2020,

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Venezuela’s Secret Weapon: A “Dark Fleet” Of Oil Tankers

According to a Reuters investigation, Venezuela’s secret weapon might be a “dark fleet” of oil tankers. The country’s national oil company, PDVSA, had reportedly leased 41 tankers in 2022. Dark fleet is a term used to describe the assortment of tanker vessels which conceal their locations so as to enable the

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Royal Dutch Shell Caught Orchestrating Oil Leaks For Profit

Royal Dutch Shell Caught Orchestrating Oil Leaks For Profit

Employees at Royal Dutch Shell’s Nigerian joint venture orchestrated damage to oil pipelines to profit from the money spent on clean-up operations, investigation by Dutch investigative TV programme Zembla has revealed. Employees of Shell in Nigeria ordered the vandalization of oil pipelines for their own personal gain. Speaking to Zembla

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