Tag: Meta

A report published Saturday revealed that social media giants Meta—Facebook's parent company—and TikTok are driving traffic to content promoting a military coup to overthrow Brazil's democracy.
Exhibiting the Instagram and Facebook logos, or advertising on those platforms, could be considered illegal under Russian law. Furthermore, Russia has added Meta to list of terrorist organizations.
American corporations are lining up for the opportunity to get into the good graces of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), even if it means formally sponsoring Beijing’s hostile subjugation of the once semi-autonomous Hong Kong.
The annual meeting in Davos 2022 discussed how the World Economic Forum will govern the metaverse.
Meta used power in a way that threatened public safety during fire season and in the midst of a global pandemic in order to coerce the Australian Parliament. They deliberately shut down major Facebook accounts just to strong-arm the Australian government.
In the past five years, a cadre of fact-checkers has marched through the institutions of journalism and installed itself in the U.S. media as a privatized, quasi-governmental regulatory agency. What’s wrong with facts, you say? Fueled by a panic over misinformation, the fact-checking industry is shifting the media’s primary obligation away from pursuing the truth and toward upholding vague notions of public safety, which it gets to define. In the course of this transformation, journalists are being turned into rent-a-cops whose job is to enforce an official consensus that is treated as a civic good by those who benefit from—and pay for—its protection.
There has been a slew of massively faked tales on social platforms in the last several weeks, majority of which have been anti-Russian agenda. This is exactly how Zuckerberg is helping Zelensky wage a propaganda war against Russia.
Predator Catchers Indianapolis (PCI) apparently lured Facebook Meta manager into a child sex sting and he was later fired after it was caught on tape.
Facebook's facial identification technology has been the subject of judicial action in the past, the latest which comes from Texas, who are suing Meta over facial recognition software.