
Israel Glorifying War Porn

Israel is glorifying war porn using the telegram channel 72 Virgins, an uncensored channel that the Influencing Department of the IDF Operations Directorate administers. An Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) psychological warfare unit has been covertly running a war-torn channel that exalts misbehavior by IDF soldiers involved in the invasion of

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Israel Begins Flooding Gaza Tunnels

The Wall Street Journal reported that Israel has begun flooding Gaza tunnels, citing US sources familiar with the Israeli military operation. As part of its continuous ground effort to destroy the Palestinian resistance organization, Israel’s military has started pumping seawater into Hamas’ extensive network of tunnels in Gaza, the Wall

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Plot To Rebuild Gush Katif And Reclaim Gaza

According to CNN, Israel’s “original plan” for the conflict was to “level Gaza and come up with a plot to rebuild Gush Katif and reclaim Gaza. An Israeli soldier declared in a video recorded from within the blasted and beleaguered enclave, “We will complete the mission we have been assigned,”

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Israel Dropped Over 22,000 US-Made Bombs On Gaza Within Six Weeks

The Washington Post reported that Israel has dropped over 22,000 US-made bombs, including white phosphorus weapons, on Gaza within six weeks. Within the first six weeks of the war, the Israeli army dropped over 22,000 guided and unguided US-supplied bombs on the confined Gaza Strip, according to previously revealed intelligence

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Israel Could Face Strategic Defeat Says Pentagon Chief

In a speech at the Reagan National Defence Forum in Simi Valley, California Pentagon Chief Lloyd J. Austin III said that Israel could face strategic defeat if Palestinian civilians are not protected. Israel has the military edge, but Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin has caused some controversy by claiming that

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US Needs Gaza War To Destabilize BRICS

The US needs to win the Gaza War to destabilize BRICS to carry on with the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) proposal presented in September at the G20 meeting in New Delhi. Veteran geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar told the New Rules program that the Biden administration needs an Israeli win

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Drone Attack Targets Israeli Ship In Indian Ocean

According to an unnamed US defense officer who spoke to AP, drone attacks target Israeli ships in the Indian Ocean. On November 25, what Washington described as an Iranian drone attack targeted an Israeli-owned ship that was cruising the Indian Ocean. According to an unnamed US defense officer who spoke

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