Indian Army

Indian Army to shutdown Officers Training Academy

Indian Army To Shutdown Officers Training Academy

The Ministry of Defence has cleared the Indian Army’s proposal to shutdown the Officers Training Academy (OTA) in Gaya opened after the Kargil conflict in the hope that more youngsters would queue up to join the Armed Forces. But with few takers owing to a failure to attract youngsters, the

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Akash Missile System

Who Really Owns Akash Missile System?

A shocking 2017 report by the national auditor CAG observed that several agencies lied about the malfunctioning missiles and poor quality of spare parts provided by the private vendors to the government and said that the Akash Missile System cannot be trusted in situation of a war. It further observed

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Israeli Rafael apologises to DRDO for fake info on NAG Missile

Israeli Rafael Apologises To DRDO For Fake Info On NAG Missile

After DRDO reacting angrily, Israeli Rafael apologises to DRDO for circulating fake information on NAG missile, saying the Israeli missile was superior to an under-development DRDO weapon and the indigenous programme needed a rethink. The statement also said that the Indian Army had been using outdated second-generation missiles for three

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Failed Israeli Spike Missiles inducted into Indian Army

Failed Israeli Spike Missiles Inducted Into Indian Army

In 2017, the $500 million Spike anti-tank missile deal was canceled so that we can develop our own indigenous defence technology. The deal however was ‘back on table’ after Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to India. But the deal was delayed after the missile failed to perform in high

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Indian Army

Indian Army: A Fate Worse Than Death – S14

Are you aware that one of the key dimensions of the Strategic Defense Initiative required the reduction and degradation of Indian Army from a formidable and feared fighting force, capable of protecting the country from any threat, into a degenerate, fourth-grade and politicized institution? DO WE or DO WE NOT

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