The Ministry of Defence has cleared the Indian Army’s proposal to shutdown the Officers Training Academy (OTA) in Gaya opened after the Kargil conflict in the hope that more youngsters would queue up to join the Armed Forces. But with few takers owing to a failure to attract youngsters, the OTA had been functioning under-utilised.
Indian Army to shutdown Officers Training Academy
With the Army continuing to fail to attract enough bright youngsters with requisite officer-like qualities, the force plans to shut down its Officers' Training Academy (OTA) in Gaya, Bihar. The academy currently trains just about 250 cadets, including foreign ones, when it is supposed to handle 750 every year.
The Indian Military Academy (IMA) in Dehradun, the main cradle for officers, and the OTA in Chennai will take in more cadets every year because their capacities too are under-utilised. The Sikh Light Infantry regimental ce...