
Did Hamas Behead Babies – Fact Check

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s spokesperson, Tal Heinrich, said that Hamas beheaded babies on Wednesday, despite the IDF’s inability to verify it. Table of ContentsUnverified ReportsFog of War A military spokesperson told The Intercept on Tuesday that the Israel Defense Forces were unable to confirm the horrifying claim that during a

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Israeli Intelligence Failures Amid Hamas Attack

Eli Marom, a former commander of the Israeli navy, said in a national broadcast that Israel as a whole is asking how Israeli intelligence failed amid the Hamas attack. Table of ContentsIsrael-Hamas War – Efrat Fenigson 2nd Update (10/8/2023) The ability of Hamas or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad to murder

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Hamas Attack On Israel Activates Zero Hour Around The World

The Hamas attack on Israel activates zero hour around the world as a pro-Hamas event has been taking place in Tampa, Florida, hundreds of miles away from the conflict. Geopolitical events are a world where things are nearly never exactly as they seem. The media’s messages go beyond just reporting

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How The Israel-Hamas War Exposed The EU’s Irrelevance

The Israel-Hamas war exposed the EU’s irrelevance, which is dwindling due to its economy’s secular decline and incapacity to project military power. Table of ContentsBloody handsThe Charles Michel Show Risky business At least Henry Kissinger’s tired remark about who to call if you want “to call Europe” is no longer uttered

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Gaza Attack Timeline: Here’s How It Happened

A timeline of how the Gaza attack happened, according to eyewitness sources and the Wall Street Journal, is given below. Table of ContentsKibbutz attacks A visual timeline of the carnage at the Nova music festival, which happened just three miles outside of Gaza in a bucolic countryside area, has been

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Was Hamas Attack Due To Israeli Intelligence Failure Or Conspiracy?

There are conspiracy theories on social media about how the Hamas attack, attributed to Israeli intelligence, was a conspiracy rather than a failure, as they managed to breach the six-meter-tall ‘Iron Wall’ without immediate detection. Table of ContentsHow Did Israel Get Duped So Badly?Intelligence Not an ‘Exact Science’ Senior Israeli

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How The US Funded Hamas

Millions of dollars from the United States ended up in Gaza, which is governed by Hamas, despite the Biden administration’s best attempts to keep the topic primarily under wraps. Israel has been the target of numerous terrorist assaults. There have been about a dozen conventional wars against the Jewish state,

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Operation Swords Of Iron

Operation Swords Of Iron – What You Need To Know

After the attack by Hamas in southern Israel this morning, Israel launched Operation Swords of Iron, which involved launching between 2,000 and 5,000 rockets. Table of ContentsHistorical ContextIsrael-Jordan Peace TreatyIsrael – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) Peace InitiativeGaza’s ImportanceKey DevelopmentsChallenges and Future ProspectsPeace with PalestiniansThe Iran FactorRecent Occurrences in GazaIsraeli

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How Elite Hamas Unit Tricked Israeli Intelligence

The Elite Hamas Unit Tricked Israeli intelligence by making them think that the Hamas leadership was more concerned with the restoration of Gaza’s economy than with escalating hostilities. According to a Reuters investigation, Hamas “duped” Israel during the planning and execution of Saturday’s unexpected foray into Israeli territory. Insiders on

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