Donald Trump

Russo American Alliance against Deep State

Russo American Alliance Against Deep State

Russian mercenaries are reportedly on the ground supporting renegade General Khalifa Haftar known as ‘CIA’s man in Libya’ against the United Nations backed Government of National Accord – in what is now being called as the Russo American Alliance against the Deep State.[toc] More than 100 mercenaries from the Wagner

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Will Google Be Investigated For Treason In India?

Will Google Be Investigated For Treason In India?

American President Donald Trump has kicked off a storm stating that he will initiate an investigation looking to “treasonous activities” by American multinational technology company Google. With Google having played a role in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks of 2008, will the India government investigate Google’s suspicious role in India as

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The Kashmir Problem - An Anglo-American Operation

The Kashmir Conflict: An Anglo-American Operation

The Kashmir conflict, an Anglo-American operation against India provides the culminating illustration of the hostility between India and Pakistan and the determination to satisfy their imperialistic ambition to rule over the entire sub-continent once again by the use of modern military forces with generous defense support by the Anglo-American bloc

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How Integrity Initiative infiltrated America

How Integrity Initiative Infiltrated America

Shortly after Donald Trump’s election, a UK-funded covert influence group proposed opening a new office in the US to train a “younger generation of Russia watchers” and “strengthen” America’s role in countering Moscow. Leaks show how Integrity Initiative infiltrated America and drafted US for the new Cold War. What is

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Indian Army

Indian Army: A Fate Worse Than Death – S14

Are you aware that one of the key dimensions of the Strategic Defense Initiative required the reduction and degradation of Indian Army from a formidable and feared fighting force, capable of protecting the country from any threat, into a degenerate, fourth-grade and politicized institution? DO WE or DO WE NOT

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UIDAI Information Technologists Or Ill-Informed Monkeys? S02

Is the kind of complete negligence, carelessness and shabby-sloppiness exhibited by UIDAI to be the hallmark of Digital India? India is rumored to have made great strides in the field of Information Technology — or so we are told. While the public is treated to Big Words such as: “continuously

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Spokesperson Of Our Nationalist Party Or Good Boy Of England? S01

The spokesperson of our ruling party, the BJP, had recently given a speech on Foreign Policy in a prestigious University-College in Pune, which is considered to be a premier educational city in India. The spokesperson was also the Nationalist Party’s national General Secretary, and who was also an RSS Rashtriya

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French Election Hit By Information Warfare

The French Election now seems to look more like Marine Le Pen vs a collapsing French establishment. Already, four established candidates for the presidency — two former presidents and two former prime ministers — have after being hit by Hillary-like scandal backed out or been rejected by the voters. Former

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India’s War On Cash Or Global Economic Warfare?

Read the original GreatGameIndia story The Secret World Of Indian Currency Printers published on 13th Nov 2016 that led to the press conference by Dilip Pandey exposing the role of blacklisted British company with Pakistani links #DeLaRue in printing of new Indian currency notes. It is not everyday that you

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