Timeline: COVID-19 Vaccines And Myocarditis

A timeline of COVID-19 vaccines and the progression of myocarditis is given below. 2020 Sept. 22, 2020: the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classified myocarditis as a potentially harmful adverse event. Oct. 30, 2020: The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies myocarditis as an adverse event

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Megyn Kelly Regrets Getting COVID Shot Due To Vaccine Injury

In an episode of her podcast, “The Megyn Kelly Show,” that aired on September 6, Megyn Kelly confessed she regretted getting the COVID shot due to a vaccine injury. Veteran journalist and podcaster Megyn Kelly claimed she regrets taking the COVID-19 vaccine because she thinks she might have experienced a

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Disease-X Is A High-Return Business Strategy

According to author David Bell, a senior scholar at Brownstone Institute, Disease-X is a high-return business strategy. Fearistan, having done very well economically and provided its citizens a long lifespan, noticed that people were still occasionally dying in road accidents. Fearistanis were wealthy and really liked the freedom to travel.

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