How US Military Created COVID-19

The study, “MSH3 homology and potential recombination link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site,” (read below) published in Frontiers on February 21, 2022, identified that a tiny snippet of code in Covid is identical to part of a gene patented by Moderna three years before the pandemic. Scientists claim that there

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Putting Big Bad Pharma Back On Trial In The COVID-19 Era

Putting Big Bad Pharma Back On Trial In The COVID-19 Era

After graduating from Columbia University with a chemical engineering degree, my grandfather went on to work for Pfizer for almost two decades, culminating his career as the company’s Global Director of New Products. I was rather proud of this fact growing up — it felt as if this father figure,

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Lockdowns, Not the Pandemic, Created Havoc

Lockdowns, Not the Pandemic, Created Havoc

It may be years before we fully realize the ramifications of the lockdown policies governments around the world have imposed on their citizens in response to covid-19, but evidence of the costs is starting to trickle in.

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