

US China Fight For Dominance As Pakistan Go Bankrupt

There’s a lot of talk about the US China trade war, but while you’re looking over here a conflict between the two giants is brewing over in Pakistan. The conflict is about global dominance and Pakistan’s financial security is hanging in the balance. If China succeeds it could be on

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Chinese Army's Ties To U.S. Money

Chinese Army’s Ties To U.S. Money

What have Russian mobsters, Chinese intelligence agencies, Colombian drug lords, and the notorious international terrorist Osama Bin Laden to do with the California Public Employees Retirement System or the California Department of Transportation? – Chinese Army’s ties to U.S. money. Note: This is the author’s text of an article that

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COSCO Shipping - A Front For Chinese Intelligence

COSCO Shipping – A Front Of Chinese Intelligence

Washington policy-makers consider China Ocean Shipping Co. (COSCO) a threat to market capitalism and national security. Its rates are restricted, its trade in American ports monitored. The company has been embroiled in national controversies ranging from a crash in New Orleans to gun smuggling in San Francisco. A task force

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How Coronavirus leaked from Wuhan laboratory

BOMBSHELL REPORT: How Coronavirus Leaked From Wuhan Laboratory

Chinese scientists believe the deadly coronavirus may have started life in a research facility just 300 yards from the Wuhan fish market. Here’s how Coronavirus leaked from Wuhan laboratory. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It (watch here Visualizing The Secret History Of Coronavirus) Watch the exclusive interview

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Coronavirus Coverup

Coronavirus Coverup – Exclusive Interview Of Former Virologist

Below is an exclusive interview of Mr. Xiao En, a former Virologist at the US Army Research Institute on the many important questions related to Coronavirus Coverup by the Chinese administration. The interview was conducted by the New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) in Chinese and translated into English by GreatGameIndia

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Ship carrying Missiles & Arms found at Kandla port

ALERT: Ship Carrying Missile & Arms Seized At Kandla Port

A cargo ship carrying missile like machinery and arms has been seized at the western port of India and is being searched by Indian intelligence agencies. The ship arrived from China and the next destination of the cargo ship is the Karachi port of Pakistan. The ship belongs to a

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Wuhan-400 1981 Novel predicts Coronavirus origin

Wuhan-400 Coronavirus – 1981 Novel Predicts Virus Origin

In a bizarre coincidence, a 1981 fictional novel The Eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz predicts a Coronavirus like outbreak and its origin. The book talks about how the virus called Wuhan-400, was developed in military labs around the Chinese city of Wuhan from where it got its name. The

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White House to investigate if Coronavirus was Weaponized

GGI IMPACT: White House To Investigate If Coronavirus Was Weaponized

As a direct impact of GreatGameIndia investigation on Coronavirus which found deadly viruses smuggled by Chinese Biowarfare agents from a Canadian lab to Wuhan, where it is believed Coronavirus was weaponized, now the White House has opened and investigation to determine if these findings are true and whether Coronavirus is

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Wuhan Institute of Virology Coronavirus

Wuhan Institute Of Virology – Epicentre Of Coronavirus

The source of the novel coronavirus that has led to the lockdown of 34 Chinese cities, and has now spread to 35 countries outside China, is still unknown. Initial reports from China claimed the source was a live food market in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, and may have

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