British Intelligence

EXPOSED How British Intelligence Manipulated Julian Assange Trial

EXPOSED: How British Intelligence Manipulated Julian Assange Trial

Investigative journalists Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis of Declassified UK have extensively studied numerous aspects of the Julian Assange extradition hearing revealing the legal irregularities and conflicts of interest in the case. The reports expose how British Intelligence manipulated Julian Assange trial. [toc] EXPOSED How British Intelligence Manipulated Julian Assange

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How British Intelligence Use Islam To Wage War

How British Intelligence Use Islam To Wage War

Declassified documents reveal how British Intelligence use Islam to wage War and how the UK propaganda unit used Friday sermons, newspapers and novels to spread anti-Communist messages across Middle East. Exclusive: Coronavirus Bioweapon – Our controversial report on how Coronavirus was Weaponized  [toc] How British Intelligence Use Islam To Wage War Use

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Duryodhana Statue smuggler charged with trafficking artifacts

Duryodhana Statue Smuggler Charged With Trafficking Artifacts

A sandstone Duryodhana statue smuggler Douglas Latchford, a dealer in and collector of Southeast Asian antiquities who falsified documents to make looted treasures easier to sell on the art market has been charged with trafficking artifacts. Duryodhana Statue smuggler charged with trafficking artifacts Investigators have charged Douglas A. J. Latchford,

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Operation Northwoods False Flag

Operation Northwoods – Flase Flag Attacks & Regime Change

Operation Northwoods was a proposed false flag operation against the Cuban government that originated within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) of the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to

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Prime Minister Sigmund Freud - India 2040

Prime Minister Sigmund Freud? Time Travel: India 2040 – S13

Prime Minister Sigmund Freud – India 2040 The American education system has already been destroyed by the theories of Sigmund Freud. And that the vast majority of Indians who view America ape precisely this destroyed component. Thus it is that we asked the question: “Time Travel: India 2040 Prime Minister

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Religious Leaders

Of MuttaaDhiPatis, PeethaDhiPatis & Allied Gangsters. S12

Religious Leaders Let the Indians note that none of the PeethaDhiPatis either of the Vaishnavite or the Shaivite Order or MuttaDhipathis or the Sri Vidya Upasakas or any other Indian Religious Leaders either consciously or unconsciously, either in wakeful state or their dream state, even raise the faintest of protests

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Is SIMI Infiltrated By Foreign Spies?

In 2012, an Israeli Chabad couple suspected to be working for Mossad were expelled from India for spying. The duo, suspected of Mossad membership, was seen as suspicious for holding late-night meetings and renting a house at far above market value. The married couple were suspected of being Israeli agents

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