Inside Kim Jong Un’s Secret Harem Of Virgin Schoolgirls

Inside Kim Jong Un’s Secret Harem Of Virgin Schoolgirls

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is missing from action these days. That doesn’t mean he is missing all the action. While media is busy speculating about his untimely death, intelligence services think he maybe under self-quarantine with his ‘Pleasure Squad’ to protect himself from Coronavirus. The ‘Pleasure Squad’ is Kim Jong Un’s secret harem […]

Secret US Cable That Saw Coronavirus Crisis Coming

Secret US Cable That Saw Coronavirus Crisis Coming

A secret US State Department cable that saw Coronavirus crisis coming was leaked by Wikileaks providing a fleeting inside-look at Critical Foreign Dependencies Initiative. While the document’s State Department senders designated the cable “SECRET/NOFORN” (no foreign nationals) and marked it for de-classification in 2019, Wikileaks made it public a decade ahead of schedule. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – […]

STUDY: COVID-19 Infections Subside In 70 Days Irrespective Of Lockdown

COVID-19 Infections Subside In 70 Days Irrespective Of Lockdown

Results of a shocking new Israeli study showed that COVID-19 infections subsided in 70 days irrespective of whether the country went into lockdown or remained open. A prominent Israeli mathematician, analyst, former general and Chairman of the Israeli Space Agency claims simple statistical analysis demonstrates that the spread of COVID-19 peaks after about 40 days […]

How Californian Experience Can Defeat The Coronavirus Vaccine Lobby

How Californian Experience Can Defeat The Coronavirus Vaccine Lobby

A new study is investigating the possibility of California to have already developed herd-immunity to the Coronavirus. If the case is proven, the study would be a breakthrough in breaking the worldwide lockdown. With billions of dollars invested in this deadlock, here is how the Californian experience can defeat the vaccine lobby. [toc] EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – […]

India Drags China To International Court For COVID-19 War

India Drags China To International Court For COVID-19 War

As a direct impact of extensive GreatGameIndia reporting on the sinister aspect of Coronavirus being manufactured as a biological weapon, now India has dragged China to international court for waging COVID-19 War. India’s complaint to the United Nations Human Rights Council seeking compensation from China specifically presents as evidence  GreatGameIndia‘s report on how Chinese biowarfare […]

The Massive Coronavirus Testing Protocol Fraud

The Massive Coronavirus Testing Protocol Fraud

Unavailability and access to testing kits and facilities combined with massive tests following faulty protocols and amplified by the hysterical media is wreaking havoc on the medical infrastructure of nations into lockdown due to Coronavirus resulting into more panic and chaos. As false results soar the World Health Organisation (WHO) has come under global criticism. […]

Official List Of Services Available During 21-Day Coronavirus Lockdown In India

List Of Services Available During 12-Day Coronavirus Lockdown In India

Confusion about exemptions and the supply of essential items has left scores of people in the lurch as India went into a 21-day lockdown from Tuesday midnight to combat the spread of Covid-19. So here we have compiled an official list of services available during lockdown, as issued by the Home Ministry. The list is […]

Finland Says WHO’s Coronavirus Protocol Doesn’t Work

Finland Says WHO's Coronavirus Protocol Doesn't Work

In a startling disclosure, a senior Finnish health official has dismissed a World Health Organization advisory saying WHO doesn’t understand pandemics and that their Coronavirus testing protocol is illogical and doesn’t work. Finland has 400 confirmed cases of coronavirus but no reported deaths so far. EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized […]

Coronavirus Cases Maybe 10 Times Higher Than Reported

Coronavirus Cases Maybe 10 Times Higher Than Reported

Observations from the Johns Hopkins University real-time tracking dashboard indicate that Coronavirus cases maybe 10 times higher than reported. In response to the ongoing public health emergency, Johns Hopkins University developed an interactive web-based dashboard hosted by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University, to visualize and track reported Coronavirus […]

How British Intelligence Use Islam To Wage War

How British Intelligence Use Islam To Wage War

Declassified documents reveal how British Intelligence use Islam to wage War and how the UK propaganda unit used Friday sermons, newspapers and novels to spread anti-Communist messages across Middle East. Exclusive: Coronavirus Bioweapon – Our controversial report on how Coronavirus was Weaponized  [toc] Use Islam to wage War A British government propaganda unit ran covert campaigns across […]