During Derek Chauvin's trial his lawyer cast doubts on the widely believed assumption that Chauvin knelt on the neck of George Floyd for more than nine minutes. His line of questioning was based on Camera Perspective Bias. During cross-examination the Chief of Police admitted that Chauvin's knee was on George Floyd’s shoulder blade after shown body cam video from another perspective side-by-side.
On 5th April, Medaria Arradondo, the Minneapolis Police Chief testified that under no circumstances should Derek Chauvin have knelt on the neck of Floyd after he stopped resisting.
He emphasized that the new fired cop "defied his own training and the department's mission of compassion" by continuing "to apply that level of force to a person proned out."
He admitted that at that time, the Minneapolis Police Chief permitted officers to use "conscious neck restraints" with "light to moderate" pressure.
Eric Nelson, Derek Chauvin's lawyer, asked Medaria Arradondo, if he knew abou...