
Inside Florida's Billionaires Bunkers Island 1

Inside Florida’s Billionaires Bunkers Island

Indian Creek in Florida has earned the moniker ‘Billionaire Bunkers Island’ due to its seclusion and the presence of a private security team. Even wealthy people can no longer afford to live on the island because residents are being priced out by people like Jeff Bezos of Amazon, a local

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Most Popular Wikipedia Articles In 2023

Wikipedia has revealed the most popular articles in 2023, with ChatGPT topping the list and Taylor Swift coming in 12th. With ChatGPT, artificial intelligence underwent a sea change, enabling millions of users to test generative AI. Most Popular Wikipedia Articles In 2023 2 Therefore, It should be no surprise that

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Actors ‘Blacklisted’ For Unvaccinated Status Speak Out

Actor Dorian Kingi has spoken out about an unofficial ‘Blacklist’ that movie studios have created for people with unvaccinated status. Due to his vaccination status, actor, stunt performer, and director, Dorian Kingi claims he hasn’t had a work in the entertainment sector for three years. The Emmy-winning actress Lindsay Wagner

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California Creates First Retail Theft Committee

The California Assembly has officially created the first retail theft committee, called the Select Committee on Retail Theft, to address the problem of inconsistent reporting practices within the retail sector. Legislators said it is difficult to find ways to halt smash-and-grab robberies in California, even though recordings of the crimes

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Inside Mark Zuckerberg’s Top Secret Doomsday Bunker

A recent investigation by Wired revealed that Mark Zuckerberg is building a top-secret doomsday bunker on his estate in Kauai, Hawaii, known as ‘Koolau Ranch’. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is constructing a sizable underground bunker with a “blast-resistant door” to escape the end of the world, according to a Wired

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Russia Bans LGBT Movement

According to RIA Novosti, which cited the Supreme Court’s press service, proceedings took place behind closed doors and ended in Russia banning the LGBT movement due to social and religious discord. On Thursday, the Russian Supreme Court declared the “international LGBT public movement” to be extreme and banned it. The

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Imagine Earth With 1000 People

The United Nations Population Division’s population figures were used by Visual Capitalists to imagine Earth with 1000 people. Over the past 50 years, the number of people on the planet has doubled. We will have 8 billion people on Earth by 2022. UN estimates state that by July 2023, there

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Vatican Forbids Catholics From Joining Freemasonry

The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has forbidden Catholics from joining Freemasonry. Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) of the Vatican has reiterated teachings from the Catholic Church that laypeople or clergy who practice Freemasonry are in “a state of grave sin.” With the signatures

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