India’s Push For Home-Grown Navigation System NavIC Jolts Smartphone Giants
India’s Push For Home-Grown Navigation System NavIC Jolts Smartphone Giants
India’s Push For Home-Grown Navigation System NavIC Jolts Smartphone Giants
India’s first hydrogen powered trains are in the works. Over 11 metric tons less carbon dioxide will be emitted each year thanks to the trains.
Scientists have discovered a mystery 4,000 foot coral reef in the middle of an Australian desert. Researchers’ efforts to understand more about the origins of our solar system and of Earth itself may benefit from further investigation of the Nullarbor region’s geology.
An animated graphic by James Eagle shows the most popular websites from 1993 to 2022, with Google currently at the top.
A new article published in the journal Science Advances reveals a small device called MOXIE, which is currently on Mars and is generating as much oxygen as a small tree.
A study published in Frontiers in Aging by Oregon State University researchers led by Dr. Jadwiga Giebultowicz says that blue light from screens makes you age faster after studies on fruit flies.
Researchers have followed a “14-day rule” for generating human embryos in the lab for many years. The International Society for Stem Cell Research suggested modifying the regulation in specific instances last year. Now, scientists have managed to create mouse embryos without sperm or eggs.
A giant UAV named Wing Loong-2H has been launched by China to combat record drought by cloud-seeding, which means releasing silver iodide flame bars to produce artificial rain.
Although brain chips are not yet at a stage where healthy individuals would benefit from them, they do have potential in improving deteriorating health. Another potential use might be that future criminals could be monitored by chips in their brains, according to experts.
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