An animated graphic by James Eagle shows the most popular websites from 1993 to 2022, with Google currently at the top.
The internet has developed at a mind-boggling rate during the past three decades.
Less than 200 websites were accessible on the World Wide Web in 1993. By the year 2022, that number had increased to 2 billion.
This animated graphic by James Eagle, which shows the most popular websites from 1993 until 2022, offers a historical perspective on the development of the internet.
The 90s to Early 2000s: Dial-Up Internet
The proto-internet was accessible as early as the 1970s, but dial-up modems allowed for the development of the more user-friendly and generally accessible form of the internet that we know today.
Users of dial-up had access to the internet via a modem that was plugged into a working phone line. Prodigy and CompuServe were just two of the many interne...