Category: Science & Society


India At Crossroads To Swaraj Or Slavery?

Is India at the crossroads to Swaraj (independence) or Slavery (dominion)? At the dawn of the new millennium India stands, dazed and indecisive, at the crossroads. As perhaps the only secular nation with population of a billion, with thousands of political, spiritual and religious leaders of various denominations, with a

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The Helots Of India – Between Slavery & Freedom

This excerpt from The Hunt For The Treasure Of Vijayanagara Empire details the tragic situation of the tribals in India akin to the Helots – a derogatory term used by the Romans to indicate non-Romans in their country, intermediate in status between slaves and citizens. Liberalization and Privatization were the tools of

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Effects Of Centuries Of Divide & Rule On The Indian Mind

For sometime now there is a huge debate brewing on regarding intolerance in India effectively creating a schism between the various sections of Indian society. While each group is busy voicing their fears or anxiety accusing the other of ruining the culture and heritage of India, none seem to pause and

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Rothschild Inside, Garbage Outside

Since almost 9 years the IT giant Intel has dodged paying tax to the Bruhar Bengaluru Mahanagar Palike (BBMP). Now the BBMP has come up with a novel Intel Inside Garbage Outside tactic to make the company cough up the tax it owes to the government. As reported by India

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Holy Cow – Solution To India’s Energy Crisis: Part II

In the first part of this Energy Crisis Series: India’s Dependence On Oil & A Solution For A Sustainable Future we saw how after Independence, India has slowly descended from energy sufficiency into an oil dependent energy slavery economy through the model of unsustainable development advocated by the west and adopted

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How IT Boom Made Bangalore Unlivable

New research shows the dark side of the IT Boom, how lakes and trees have disappeared and how IT boom made Bangalore unlivable. A recent study by T V Ramachandra of the Centre for Ecological Sciences titled Insights to Urban Dynamics through Landscape Spatial Pattern Analysis says urbanization has reduced

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IRNSS – India’s Strategic Guardian Of The Sky

On 11 May 1998, India surprised the world with its Operation Shakti (Pokhran-II) nuclear test, which was completely hidden from US spy satellites. This was a feat as the US spy satellites are capable of taking even a snap of wristwatch of Indian soldiers. When India felt the importance of secrecy

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Mind Control Through Television Series Part II: Violence In Media

In the first part of this Mind Control through Television Series we established the scientific basis for mind control by television and saw how multinational corporations use this psychological warfare for their vested interests. In this part we will see how Entertainment Violence impacts our children and alters their Learning

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