Category: Science & Society

Watch: YouTuber Straps Rocket Engines To Tesla Model S

Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted in 2018 that a future Tesla Roadster will have a “SpaceX option package” with “10 small rocket thrusters arranged seamlessly around the car” to improve performance. More than three years later, there is still no Roadster that we’ve seen.

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The True Story Of The Blue People Of Kentucky

Appalachian families have been passing a rare genetic blood condition for more than a century. These people live in the isolated hollows of rural Kentucky. These people were known as the blue Combses and blue Fugates. What this rare genetic condition actually is? This condition turn skin into a disarming

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6 Benefits of Getting a Job at a Startup Project

You might have thought, what should I do after I get my degree? The prospects of having a nine to five schedule are not bad, but not suitable for everyone. That’s when you start to think about startup projects. Without a doubt, it is important to avoid survival bias when

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How Bad Is China’s Social Credit System

China’s social credit system was first announced in 2014 and has since bred speculation that it will lead to an Orwellian nightmare – a real-life Black Mirror. Media reports claimed that all Chinese citizens would be given a numerical ranking by 2020. But is this true?

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Top 14 Design Courses for Students

Design has become a highly popular, trendy profession. Thousands of students-to-be consider the spectrum of design education opportunities available for them online and offline. Here is a brief guide on the popular courses teaching design today, both on-campus and online. This guide will be especially useful for future students. Types

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