
How Can A Dementia Patient Be The President Of A Country 1

How Can A Dementia Patient Be The President Of A Country

As investigations reveal concerns about President Biden’s memory lapses and mishandling of classified information, it highlights deeper issues in the functioning of the US empire beyond electoral choices. This has given rise to the question of whether a dementia patient can be the President of a country. It seems that

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“I See Dead People” – Joe Biden Does It AGAIN 1

“I See Dead People” – Joe Biden Does It AGAIN

Joe Biden’s repeated mistake, claiming that former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl accompanied him on his first international tour as US President, despite Kohl’s death in 2017, highlights a concerning deterioration in Biden’s memory of recent events. A perfect character for a follow-up to M. Night Shyamalan’s 1999 horror “The Sixth

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South Korea Opposition Leader Stabbed In Neck, Attacker Arrested

South Korean opposition leader Lee Jae-myung was stabbed in the neck by a man pretending to be a supporter. The attacker has been arrested. While on a visit to the southern seaside city of Busan, South Korea’s leading opposition party leader Lee Jae-myung was attacked by an unidentified assailant and

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Deep State Fears Trump Would Withdraw US From NATO

James G. Stavridis, a former NATO supreme allied commander, said that the deep state fears Trump will withdraw the US from NATO, which would be an enormous strategic and historic failure on the part of the nation. The New York Times, which is typically seen as a megaphone for US

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List Of Richest Politicians In The US

The aggregated data as of June 2023 from GoBankingRates has revealed a list of the 12 richest politicians in the US. Although there is no minimum income needed to enter politics, many MPs are multimillionaires. Some of the wealthiest politicians in the United States are state and federal officials with

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Derek Chauvin’s Attacker, John Turscak, Is A Former FBI Informant

According to a 2001 LA Times article, Derek Chauvin’s attacker, John Turscak, is a former FBI informant and a former gang member. A man with a troubled past named John Turscak assaulted Derek Chauvin while he was incarcerated. Federal prosecutors revealed that 52-year-old John Turscak stabbed Derek Chauvin 22 times

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