Oct-Dec 2015 Issue

The Bailout Of UAE – From Dubai FLU to Indian FDI

While pointing out the role of the House of Rothschild in the Kingfisher Deal and the Spectrum Scam we asked our readers the below set of questions which has become a recurring pattern. Why is it that everytime a major scam is unearthed, apart from the politicians, bureaucrats, lobbyists, corporates

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Nehruvian Economics

East India Company Series: Part II Glorified Commodities

In the first part of this East India Company Seires: Noble Motives we examined the origin of these EICs, their motives and the motives of Multi National Corporations (MNCs). In this series we will examine the commodities EICs dealt with and MNCs plan to deal with or are already dealing

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Secrets Of The Stones – Proposed Documentary By GGI

Lepakshi – Secrets of the Stones Ancient Wisdom Modern Application Introduction Ancient cultures for centuries all across the continents build huge structures for places of worship, observatories, burial places etc. The size and layout was so complex and perfect to indicate that the basis of such constructions must be sound

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Technology & The Laws Of Thought Part I

  The real question is not whether machines think but whether men do. The mystery which surrounds a thinking machine already surrounds a thinking man. – B. F. Skinner Preface In the past couple of decades, the web of technology has encircled the globe. Devices have become obsolete so blindingly

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The Orient And The Orientals

For sometime now there is a huge debate brewing on regarding intolerance in the country effectively creating a schism between the various sections of Indian society. While each group is busy voicing their fears or anxiety accusing the other of ruining the culture and heritage of India, none seem to

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Mind Control Through Television Series Part I

How Multinational Corporations for their vested interests hypnotize you and your children through psychological warfare right at your home Every morning and evening, millions of unsuspecting parents allow their children to witness gunfights, violent chase, murder, beatings and other forms of violence. What is the reason so many parents subject

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Five Eyes aka Project Echelon

Digital India In The Age Of Information Warfare

Introduction Infrastructure in general refers to a set of interconnected structural elements which provide services and facilities necessary for the development of a society or nation state. National Infrastructure is defined as ‘critical’ when it is believed that, disrupting its function would lead to significant socio-economic crisis with the potential to undermine

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FDI Series – Part I Foreign Countries Dictating India

A bizarre Saga of bankrupt western economies and their multinational business houses’ incredulous and laughable economic plan to Develop Indian Retail sector at the expense of their economics with non existing FDI from their phony FIIs (Foreign Institutional Investors) Operation Mountbatten – Reoccupation of Whole of India in 60 years

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