How Russians Are Engaged With Weather Modification HAARP War With NATO In The North Sea

The famous or notorious HAARP does not exist anymore. Nobody is anymore inside its installations, the roads leading to it are blocked, the buildings are locked and the generators are out of service. The once nervous guards on the front gate of the establishment are no longer there. A station that cost just over $290 million and was home to countless scientific experiments for over two decades has closed.

US Government Identifies Mastermind Behind Pakistani Transnational Human Smuggling Network

The US Department of Justice and Department of the Treasury has recently busted a Pakistan-based human smuggling network that was helping people to illegally migrate to the US through the southern border. The mastermind behind the operation has been identified as Pakistan based Abid Ali Khan who has been conducting his operations from Nowshera, Pakistan since 2015.

Secret Docs Show CIA Pressured Yemen To Release Al-Qaeda Propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki

According to secret documents released by the Houthi government it was the CIA who pressured Yemen to release Al Qaeda propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki. The incident exposes how the CIA train their individuals in Yemen and send them abroad to carry out operations for them, and then affix the accusation to Yemen as an excuse to come under the cover of fighting those individuals.

American Avenger Air Defense Systems Spotted In Syria

The spotting of American Avenger Air Defense Systems on the highway linking Iraq and Syria has fueled speculations regarding US move in the Levant warzone – kickstarting again the Endless Wars. At the time of this writing the US has already carried out military strikes in Syria.

Joe Biden May Soon Increase American Military Presence In Iraq To Fight Defeated ISIS

Joe Biden May Soon Increase American Military Presence In Iraq To Fight Defeated ISIS

After the twin suicide bombing in Baghdad recently, the mainstream media is already laying the groundwork for Joe Biden to increase American military presence in Iraq. The endless wars brought to a halt by the Donald trump administration may soon begin with the resurrection of ISIS. On 20 January 2021, terrorists carried out by twin […]