
Here Is Why The Blue Screen Of Death Didn't Affect China 1

Here Is Why The Blue Screen Of Death Didn’t Affect China

When a major Windows update went haywire, causing a global tech disaster that disrupted flights, banks, and public services, China barely felt the impact. Thanks to its push for technology independence, China’s systems, including airports and payment networks, stayed mostly unaffected. Experts are using this incident to highlight the risks

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CrowdStrike Disaster: The True Cost Of The Digital Revolution 1

CrowdStrike Disaster: The True Cost Of The Digital Revolution

It has been clear to me from the beginning that the digital revolution was a massive catastrophe in the making. The digital revolution is a catastrophe across the board. It not only gives government ability to impose tyranny beyond George Orwells’ imagination, it subjects all accumulated knowledge to wipe out

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Federal Reserve Hacked By Ransomware - Lockbit 3.0 Demands Millions 1

Federal Reserve Hacked By Ransomware – Lockbit 3.0 Demands Millions

In a shocking turn, the notorious ransomware group Lockbit 3.0 has declared it successfully breached the Federal Reserve of the United States, claiming to have stolen a massive 33 terabytes of sensitive banking data. The group issued a chilling ultimatum, demanding the Federal Reserve replace their negotiator and meet their

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How Much Money Is Lost To Cybercrime? 1

How Much Money Is Lost To Cybercrime?

The FBI’s annual Internet Crime Report reveals staggering losses of $12.5 billion to cybercrime in 2023, marking a $2 billion increase from the previous year, with investment fraud and compromised email accounts as major contributors. The FBI evaluated all of the complaints submitted through its Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

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