Jul-Sept 2015 Inaugural Issue

The Helots Of India – Between Slavery & Freedom

This excerpt from The Hunt For The Treasure Of Vijayanagara Empire details the tragic situation of the tribals in India akin to the Helots – a derogatory term used by the Romans to indicate non-Romans in their country, intermediate in status between slaves and citizens. Liberalization and Privatization were the tools of

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Does The East India Company Still Exist?

This excerpt from our exclusive East India Company Series article titled Noble Motives focuses on the puzzle of the disappearance of the EICs and their reemergence as modern day MNCs (Multi National Corporations). The East India Company (the “Company“) was one of the institutions created as a product of the Venetian Merchants takeover of England’s

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How Modern Intelligence Agencies Evolved & Operate In Todays World

The below excerpt from Globalised Terror in a Liberalised World where we examined the Mumbai Train Blasts – A Sequel to The Madrid Train Bombings Of 2004 traces the evolution of the modern day Intelligence Agencies to the crusades and the religious wars in Europe and also examines the techniques used by them and

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India’s Unique Market And The Rise Of The West

The industrial revolution and subsequent mechanization of industry and militaries needed a staging and testing ground. India and other countries of East Asia offered the best solution. For now, we provide one elementary picture of the course of things. We urge the readers of GreatGameIndia to construct others. One of

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Ukraine: Failed State, Fake Revolution

While Ukraine or rather its remains suffers an agony caused by the redistribution of property and dismantling the remnants of sovereignty with the support of Western partners and transnational corporations, it is important to summarize some implications concerning the statehood of this geopolitical formation and political reforms during the last

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Evolution Of Indian Judiciary, Police And Civil Services

“We fight not to enslave, but to set a country free, and to make room upon the earth for honest men to live in.” – Thomas Paine (1737 – 1809), The Crisis, no. 4, September 11, 1777, on the occasion of decision to fight against British occupation of America. “The

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Tatya Tope's Operation Red Lotus

Tatya Tope’s Operation Red Lotus

1857; the event known till date as the Sepoy Mutiny by a fairly large segment of our population. Even those who refer to it as a War of Independence call it a spontaneous uprising; thanks largely to the incorrect narrative of the war written and recorded by the English, and

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East India Company – Part I Noble Motives

In the year 1600 East India Company was formed and given exclusive right to trade with India and South East Asia by the British Monarchy under the concept of Free Trade and Globalization. It was also given the right to civilize India. In the year 1965 the Club of Rome

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